Es gibt 50 Erfolge mit insgesamt 1.000 Gamerscore-Punkten. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Erfolge bzw. die entsprechenden Gamerscore-Punkte:
Complete the game on any difficulty.
50Business Is War
Complete all chapters which track difficulty, on hard difficulty.
20All Aboard
Complete chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5 on normal or hard difficulty.
20Campaign: EuroCorp
Complete chapters 7 and 8 on normal or hard difficulty.
20Campaign: La Ballena
Complete chapters 10 and 11 on normal or hard difficulty.
20Campaign: Downzone
Complete chapters 12, 13, 14 and 15 on normal or hard difficulty.
5Welcome to EuroCorp
Complete Wakeup Call.
30See No Evil
Defeat Kris without making him visible using EMP or DART Overlay, on normal or hard difficulty.
30Revival Meeting
Defeat the final boss without allowing any agent to be revived, on normal or hard difficulty.
30Missile Command
Breach an entire barrage of five missiles in the Ramon boss fight, on normal or hard difficulty.
15Top Marks
Achieve a perfect result in all the Tutorial challenges.
5Golden Handshake
Achieve CEO ranking on any level.
30Little Black Book
Find all business cards (unlock all the business card infobank entries).
20Wetware Integrity Policy
Don't kill any EuroCorp civilians with the minigun in chapter 8.
5Gaggle of Guidance
Use the Swarm's multi-target lock-on firing mode to kill 3 UAV drones with one volley.
15Augmented Reality
Kill 3 specters in chapter 14 without using EMP effects on them, on normal or hard difficulty.
10Cover Lover
Make it past the conveyor belt without taking any damage from the turret.
30Make Them Watch
Kill Agent Crane before you kill his two sidekicks, on normal or hard difficulty.
15Ambassador of Peace
Kill enemy soldiers of two different syndicates fast enough to receive a rampage energy bonus.
Unlock the Datacore in the minimum number of breaches.
5Linked In
Obtain a health bonus from network connection links from your upgrade choices (single player only).
15With Friends Like These
Kill an enemy from the explosion of a reactive armor unit.
30Deny Everything
Find all propaganda tags (unlock all propaganda tag infobank entries).
30Every Bullet Counts
Defeat Tatsuo without restocking your ammunition from the UAVs, on normal or hard difficulty.
Kill 3 or more enemies from the electricity discharge of a dying electro armor unit.
35Greed is Good
Achieve CEO ranking on all chapters which track difficulty, on hard difficulty.
10Shield Breaker
Successfully sprint tackle 25 riot shield units.
10Initiation Complete
Complete all Co-Op maps on any difficulty.
25High Value Asset
Complete all Co-Op maps on expert difficulty.
10Initial Public Offering
Be a member of a Syndicate consisting of at least 4 people.
10Hostile Takeover
Defeat an enemy agent squad.
5Mace Ace
Save a team member that is stunned by an electron mace.
10Super Soldier
Complete a mission without going down.
10Highly Adaptable
Kill 4 enemies in 4 different ways within 1 minute.
10Field Surgeon
Heal 3 team members for at least 50% of their health within 1 minute.
10Oh no you don't!
Complete 10 Contracts against members of your syndicate.
15High Flyer
Score a 2,000 points combo.
10Employee of the month
Complete a mission after earning a team savior score.
5In the name of Science
Finish your first research.
20Application Manager
Do 10,000 points of damage and heal or block 10,000 points of damage using applications.
50Middle Management
50% completion (level, research and challenges).
100% completion (level, research and challenges).
20The Professional
Kill 50 enemies with all the weapons in the game.
30Hurt Locker
Breach 873 grenades.
Get the rampage bonus up to 5 sequential kills.
10Make It Snappy
Kill 50 enemies with melee executions.
30Nowhere To Hide
Use a penetration weapon to kill 500 enemies through cover, while in DART Overlay.
Collect 500,000 energy.
Use breach abilities 300 times.
Do 250 rampage kills/kill streaks.