JoJo's Bizarre Adventure HD Erfolge
Es gibt 12 Erfolge mit insgesamt 400 Gamerscore-Punkten. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Erfolge bzw. die entsprechenden Gamerscore-Punkte:
20Show and Tell
Upload replay data.
20Out of the Cage
Win one Ranked Match over Xbox LIVE.
20Strong and Attractive
Raise Mahrahia's magnetic power to maximum level.
20The Kid Gloves are Off
Down an opponent while in child form.
20Crash and Burn
Down an opponent while they are Stand Crashed.
20This is Where You Fall Down
Down an opponent without using a Super Combo or Tandem Attack.
20Mad with Power
Down an opponent with a Super Combo.
40Never Saw it Coming
K.O. N'Dool via Perfect in bonus stage.
40The World is Your Oyster
Counter a time-freeze.
40Patty Cake, Patty Cake
Activate a Blazing Fists match.
40Stardust Crusaders
Win a fight with 22 different characters.
100Standing the Test of Time
Complete Story Mode or Challenge Mode for any character on any difficulty without using continues.
Veröffentlicht: 22.08.2012Aktualisiert: 22.08.2012
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