Cabelas Big Game Hunter 2012 Achievements
Es gibt 30 Erfolge mit insgesamt 1.000 Gamerscore-Punkten. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Erfolge bzw. die entsprechenden Gamerscore-Punkte:
- 90
Pimp My Gun
Unlock and fully upgrade all the firearms.
- 30
Pump It Up
Hunt 300 birds with the Shotgun in Story.
- 90
Hunting for Money
Earn more than $50,000 in Story.
- 15
Find 20 tracks in Story.
- 30
Hungry for Fame
Upload 20 pictures.
- 15
Spend 15 minutes total in detection mode.
- 30
Gun Slinger
Shoot 10 trophy animals while using the Trophy Gun.
- 15
Spend one continuous minute fully covered by vegetation.
- 30
Finish any location in Story without alerting any trophy animal.
- 15
Anatomy Saved My Life
Win 10 skillshots in Story.
- 30
Hunt 10 big game trophies by shooting them through the heart.
- 20
Secret Seeker
Find 7 hidden locations in Story.
- 100
Gun Master
Finish every Story map using only the Trophy Gun and the Compound Bow.
- 30
Close and Personal
Shoot any big game from less than 15 yards.
- 30
Hunt 200 small game land animals in Story.
- 15
Take 30 pictures in Story.
- 100
Become a Legend
Finish Story Mode.
- 30
Skill or Luck?
Hunt any trophy with one shot over 280 yards.
- 30
Bow Mastery
Hunt 15 big game trophies while using the Compound Bow.
- 15
Hunt a bird using the Compound Bow.
- 30
Lucky Luke
Hunt an animal from at least 40 yards without using your scope or sights.
- 30
Adrenaline Seeker
Hunt a trophy animal while it's alerted and running away.
- 15
Good Reflexes!
Hunt 10 Target of Opportunity animals.
- 15
Hunting The Hunters
Shoot 10 predators during a single player Arcade Shooting Gallery.
- 30
King of Reflexes
Win any 1 Player Reflex Shooting Gallery hunting all animals in the correct order.
- 30
Win any single player Shooting Gallery while not missing a shot and scoring 20000 or more.
- 15
Demolition Expert
Shoot 10 exploding cans in single player Target Shooting Galleries.
- 15
True Hero
In any 1 Player Arcade Shooting Gallery make your Hunter Award reach five stars.
- 30
Let Them Fall
Shoot 100 birds in single player Shooting Galleries.
- 30
Hunt at least 75% of male animals in any single player Arcade Shooting Gallery.
Veröffentlicht: 25.08.2011Aktualisiert: 28.09.2011
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