LocoCycle - Erfolge

LocoCycle Erfolge

In LocoCycle gibt es 20 Erfolge (Achievements) mit insgesamt 1.000 Gamerscore-Punkten. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Erfolge bzw. Gamerscore-Punkte:

  1. 50

    The Nicaraguan Getaway
    Finished Prologue.

  2. 75

    Adios, Mexico
    Finished El Highway.

  3. 75

    Conquered Canyons
    Finished Hidden Canyons.

  4. 75

    The Retirees Are Safe
    Finished Cruisin' Keys.

  5. 75

    No More Snow Patrol
    Finished Bi-Polar Offroads.

  6. 75

    Scottsburg Defender
    Finished Neighborly Farmlands.

  7. 145

    Free To Do What We Wanna Do
    Finished Final Level.

  8. 25

    Back In Yo Face
    Countered 50 total enemies.

  9. 50

    Tables Have Turned
    Countered 150 total enemies.

  10. 25

    Streaky Goodness
    Combo streak reached 250.

  11. 60

    Champion Streaker
    Combo streak reached 1,000.

  12. 25

    Why So Hostile?
    Blew up 200 civilian cars.

  13. 15

    Rubbin', Son, Is Racin'
    Took out a Big Arms car using only melee.

  14. 40

    Car Go 'Splode, Just In Time
    Blew up Leaper Agent's car before he reached you.

  15. 25

    Big Oil Never Had a Chance
    Beat a tanker truck sequence in less than 60 seconds.

  16. 60

    Pablo Thanks You
    Took no damage during a whole level.

  17. 40

    All Tricked Out
    Maxed level up on all weapons and abilities.

  18. 25

    Big Movie Watchings
    Unlocked all film bonus content.

  19. 25

    All Game Secrets Revealed
    Unlocked all game bonus content.

  20. 15

    Behind the Scenes Bonus DVD
    Unlocked all bonus content.

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Microsoft Game Studios
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