Death Squared Erfolge
In Death Squared gibt es 25 Erfolge (Achievements) mit insgesamt 1.000 Gamerscore-Punkten. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Erfolge bzw. Gamerscore-Punkte:
5Did The Thing
Completed 1 Story level.
10Did Many Things
Completed 10 Story Levels.
10Making Friends with Puzzles
Complete a party level.
20Did A Lot Of Things
Completed 20 Story levels.
40Did Heaps Of Things
Completed 40 Story levels.
100Got My Money's Worth
Finished the Story.
25Solid Friendship
Completed 10 Party levels.
50Friendship Is Magic
Finished the Party Levels.
10Clean Run
Completed 3 levels in a row without dying.
25Cleaner Run
Completed 6 levels in a row without dying.
50Cleanest Run
Completed 9 levels in a row without dying.
60Did More Than Enough
Completed 60 story levels.
Geheime Erfolge
5Sir Dies A Lot
Died 10 times.
20Die A Lot More
Died 100 times.
50Die Heaps
Died 200 times.
50Hurt Locker
Died 50 times in a single level.
10Hard Work Wasted
Skipped the intro.
100Seriously Died
Died 999 times.
50Super Secret
Found a secret item.
100Heaps Secret
Found 5 secret items.
150Shhhh Secret
Found 10 secret items.
20Shut Up and Dance
Made All 4 players dance at same time.
Made All 4 players die at same time.
Viewed the credits. Thanks!
10Does This Make My Bot Look Big?
Customized your bot.
Veröffentlicht: 15.03.2017Aktualisiert: 15.03.2017
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