Xblaze Code: Embryo - Trophäen

Xblaze Code: Embryo Trophäen

In Xblaze Code: Embryo könnt ihr 39 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Successor to the Azure
    Completed XBLAZE.

    Viewed Es' ending.

  3. What You Want to Protect
    Viewed Hinata's ending.

  4. Battle for Justice
    Viewed Kuon's ending.

  5. Sin and Punishment
    Viewed Mei's ending.

  6. The Black Beast
    Viewed dark end.

  7. Awakening Release!
    Viewed all endings.

  8. CG Art gallery Tourist
    CG's achievement 25%.

  9. CG Art gallery Regular Customer
    CG's achievement 50%.

  10. CG Art gallery Manager
    CG's achievement 75%.

  11. CG Art gallery Director
    CG's achievement 100%.

  12. Plays with TOis!
    You've read one TOi article.

  13. Staying Informed
    You've read 15 TOi articles.

  14. Preternaturally Literate
    You've read 30 TOi articles.

  15. Seriously... Unplug for a Second
    You've read every single TOi article.

  16. I guess I could give it a look...
    You've read a single TIPS.

  17. Wassup, Poindexter?
    You've read every single one of the TIPS.

  18. Audiophile
    You've played all songs in Music.

  19. Photographic Memory(s)
    Unlocked all of the scene recaps.

  20. Raging against the Machine?
    Reach a dead end without accessing TOi once.

  21. OMG! They're so DREAMY...!
    Opened a character's profile.

  22. Hey! My eyes are up HERE!
    You've read the profile of every character.

  23. Setting the Record Straight
    You've seen all of the summaries (yup, all 110).

    You've started your journey into the XBLAZE universe.

  25. Phenomena Observer
    Completed all scenarios 100%! Good job!

  26. Geheime Trophäen

  27. It's Not Soylent Green. Stop Asking.
    Experienced the hilarity of the gag scenario.

  28. Encounters
    Cleared Episode 1 "Encounters".

  29. Unforgivable Sin
    Clared Episode 2 "Unforgivable Sin".

  30. 10 Sages
    Cleared Episode 3 "10 Sages".

  31. Heresy
    Cleared Episode 4 "Heresy".

  32. Desired World
    Cleared Episode 5 "Desired World".

  33. Stranger
    Cleared Episode 6 "A Stranger".

  34. Irreconcilable Differences
    Cleared Episode 7 "Irreconcilable Differences".

  35. Demon's Roar
    Cleared Episode 8 "Demon's Roar".

  36. Salvation
    Cleared Episode 9 "Salvation".

  37. Wadatsumi
    Cleared Episode 10 "Wadatsumi".

  38. Atonement
    Cleared Episode 11 "Atonement".

  39. Conversations
    Cleared Episode 6 "Conversations".

  40. Courting Catastrophe
    Cleared Episode 7 "Courting Catastrophe".

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