Woah Dave - Trophäen

Woah Dave Trophäen

In Woah Dave könnt ihr 17 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Pennies From Heaven!
    Earn your first penny!

  2. Pass the Buck
    Collect one hundred pennies!

  3. 2 Buck Chuck
    Collect two hundred pennies!

  4. Three Dollar Dave!
    Collect three hundred pennies!

  5. Four Big Bills!
    Collect four hundred pennies!

    Collect five hundred pennies!

  7. Call Me Aaron Burr
    Collect one thousand pennies!

  8. Don't Even Bat an Eye
    Hit an Eyebat!

  9. Xenophobe
    Kill a UFO!

  10. Boom Shakka Lakka!
    Kill 10 or more enemies with 1 Woah Block!

  11. Hot Woah on Woah Action!
    Destroy a Woah Block with another Woah Block!

  12. Geheime Trophäen

  13. Woah No, UFO!
    Let a Woah Block get blasted by a UFO!

  14. I'm not saying it was Aliens...
    Let two platforms get blasted by UFOs!

  15. Beam Me Up, Dave!
    Get killed by a UFO beam!

  16. Right in the Toilet!
    Throw a Woah Block in the Lava!

  17. Poo!
    Enter POO as your initials!

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