In Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 könnt ihr 50 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

Unrivaled Warrior
Obtain all trophies.

Meeting of a Lifetime
Create a new character.

A Promising Beginning
Claim victory in a battle.

Claim victory in all Story Mode battles.

Becoming a God
Complete a stage on the "Nightmare" difficulty level.

First Rewards
Receive a Challenge Mode reward for the first time.

Big Spender
Use over 100,000 points earned from Challenge Mode.

Beginning Investor
Invest in something for the first time.

Dangerous Hobby
Obtain every single weapon in the game.

Regal Palace
Use over 100,000 gold in the castle town.

Battle Born
Attain a total K.O. count (as displayed in the Vault) of 100,000.

Mission Underway
Complete over 50% of Story Mode objectives (as shown in the Vault).

Mission Accomplished
Complete 100% of Story Mode objectives (as shown in the Vault).

Getting Talkative
Unlock 50% of all events in the Vault.

Unlock 100% of all events in the Vault.

Unlock 50% of all music tracks in the Vault.

Unlock 100% of all music tracks in the Vault.

Obtain every equipable item.

Master Warrior
Learn every War Art.

Obtain every horse.

Making Friends
Gain Favor of "Trusted" or higher with all officers.
Geheime Trophäen

Not Quite The End
See the ending for "Siege of Ōsaka Castle.".

Kemari Kingdom
See the ending for "Ieyasu's Rebellion.".

Bonds of Ōmi
See the ending for "Hisahide's Rebellion.".

A Righteous Rule
See the ending for "Battle at Kawanakajima II.".

One God, One Tactician
See the ending for "The Defeat of Matsunaga.".

Return of the King
See the ending for "Defeat of Toyotomi II.".

The Time is Now
See the ending for "Battle of Setouchi II.".

A Vision to Rule
See the ending for "Ōsaka Castle Under Siege.".

Spreading Peace
See the ending for "Conquest of Edo.".

Battle for Survival
See the ending for "Battle at Mt. Tachibana.".

See the ending for "Battle at Ōsaka.".

True Warrior
Rack up 1000 K.O.s in a single battle.

Blazing Speed
Vanquish 1000 enemies using Hyper Attacks in a single battle.

Furious Fighter
Achieve a 1000-hit combo in a single battle.

Talented Warrior
Use War Arts 10 times in a single battle.

Eat 500 rice balls.

Achieve maximum investment level for all areas in the castle town.

Raise the level of any famous officer to max.

One Swing, One Kill
Obtain a Death elemental weapon.

Valuable Treasure
Obtain a rare weapon.

A True Genius
Unlock all panels.

Making History
Unlock panel 1.

Unlock panel 2.

Popularity Contest
Unlock panel 3.

Bitty Boxes
Unlock panel 4.

Spring Cleaning
Unlock panel 5.

Amusement Park
Unlock panel 6.

Nice Legs
Unlock panel 7.

Group Picture
Unlock panel 8.