Dying: Reborn - Trophäen

Dying: Reborn Trophäen

In Dying: Reborn könnt ihr 18 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Reborn
    Get all trophies!

  2. Now you know the truth.
    Receive all memo.

  3. Remember my word,recall your FAULT.
    See all the tv showes.

  4. Matthew,a true Detective.
    Unlock all the password puzzles.

  5. Welcome to Last Harbour.
    Start Game.

  6. Matthew,you're smart.
    Successfully combined items for the first time.

  7. This is for you.
    Pick up a memo for the first time.

  8. Geheime Trophäen

  9. Hello, Matthew…
    Completed Chapter 1.

  10. She needed your help…
    Completed Chapter 2.

  11. Why help him ?
    Completed Chapter 3.

  12. This was my worst birthday…
    Completed Chapter 4.

  13. Open the door,Matthew…
    Completed Chapter 5.

  14. The pain of lose someone…
    Completed Chapter 6.

  15. I'm near you.
    Have seen the unknown man and woman on the tv.

  16. Mum's favourite melody.
    Playing the right music on the piano in the first chapter.

  17. Matthew,feeling dazzled?
    Solve the electric pipeline puzzle in the second chapter.

  18. Where's my present, Matthew?
    Using Candle to light on the cake in the fourth chapter.

  19. Matthew,What you've done ?
    Using the model to trigger the mechanism of bed.

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Dying: Reborn

Dying: Reborn

Oasis Games