Dungeon Travelers 2 - Trophäen

Dungeon Travelers 2 Trophäen

In Dungeon Travelers 2 könnt ihr 31 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Master of the Royal Library
    Acquire all trophies.

  2. Advanced Class
    Level up to an advanced class.

  3. Monster Obliterator
    Defeat 20,000 monsters.

  4. Legendary Forger
    Enchant a piece of equipment to max rank at the Blacksmith Shop.

  5. Monster Exterminator
    Defeat 5,000 monsters.

  6. Intermediate Class
    Level up to an intermediate class.

  7. Team Play
    Use a joint skill.

  8. Solidarity
    Activate a party skill.

  9. We've Only Just Begun
    Reach client level 3 at the Quest Desk.

  10. Monster Suppressor
    Defeat 100 monsters.

  11. Monster Annihilator
    Defeat 500 monsters.

  12. Monster Decimator
    Defeat 1,000 monsters.

  13. Stop, Hammer Time
    Enchant a piece of equipment at the Blacksmith Shop.

  14. Portal to the Ramen Dimension
    Eat at the Ramen Shop.

  15. I Scream for Ice Cream
    Eat at the Ice Cream Shop.

  16. Begone, Foul One!
    Create a Sealbook.

  17. Violent Creature, Return to My Book!
    Create a Grand Sealbook.

  18. One Good Deed a Day
    Complete a quest.

  19. Penny Pincher
    Acquire 10,000 gold.

  20. Filthy Rich
    Acquire 100,000 gold.

  21. Geheime Trophäen

  22. We Need to Go Deeper!
    Unlock the Royal Library Depths.

  23. Where is Your God Now?
    Defeat the Demon God.

  24. The Good Samara-tan
    Unlock the Samara Passage.

  25. Tree's Company!
    Unlock the Giant Tree of Tver.

  26. Use It or Rousset
    Unlock the Rousset Imperial Villa.

  27. Life On Mars-ala?
    Unlock the Marsala Onsen.

  28. Sopping Wet
    Unlock the Underground Waterway.

  29. That's a Wrapp!
    Unlock the Temple of Wrappl.

  30. Pie in the Sky
    Unlock the Tower of Piertan.

  31. Mo' Catacombs, Mo' Problems
    Unlock the Mostar Catacombs.

  32. Shahr-ing is Caring
    Unlock the Khorramshahr Village.

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