Thief Town - Trophäen

Thief Town Trophäen

In Thief Town könnt ihr 13 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Chief Town
    Obtain all trophies.

  2. Take a Stab At It
    Start your first game.

  3. Stealth Kill
    Stab a player while inside a smoke bomb.

  4. Nice Try
    Stab a player pretending to be dead.

  5. Hi-Knive!
    Clash knives with another player 5 times in a row.

  6. I Am the Law
    Kill 3 drunk players in one shot.

  7. Stabtacular!
    Stab 100 thieves.

  8. Stabsational!!
    Stab 500 thieves.

  9. Baby Thief
    Play 5 full games.

  10. Handsome Thief
    Play 25 full games.

  11. Ken Gilcrest
    Name 100 thieves.

  12. Geheime Trophäen

  13. Weed Kills
    Get crushed by an adult tumbleweed.

  14. I Think You've Had Enough
    Fall flat on your face.

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