Sky Ride Trophäen
In Sky Ride könnt ihr 20 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

Start Engine
Playing the Game for the First Time.

Float in Water
Getting Hit for the First Time.

Get in Ranking
Get in Ranking for the First Time.

Great Feeling
Beating over 100 enemies all at once.

Swift Attack
Beating the Boss in 5seconds after its appearance.

Flying Ace
Intercepting 10 missiles from enemies.

High Speed
Getting to the Level 4 in 10 minutes.

Recover 3 times from LIFE0%.

Result of damage point excedes over 2000.

Result of Ave. Speed excedes over 160km/h.

Item Hunter
Result of the Number of Aquired Items Excedes over 2000.

Shooting King
Result of the Number of Enemies destroyed Excedes over 2000.

Boss Killer
Result of the Number of Bosses destroyed Excedes over 10.

Super Play
Result of evaluation has became S.

One million stars
Result of points excedes over 1000000.

Record of Destruction
The total number of enemies destoryed reaches 10000.
Geheime Trophäen

Wild Run
Game Over Due to Crashing.

Rushing the Boss.

Treasure Hunter
Breaking 10 item boxes.

Sky High
Getting at the hight of 400m in the Sky.
Veröffentlicht: 06.09.2016Aktualisiert: 06.09.2016
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