Siralim - Trophäen

Siralim Trophäen

In Siralim könnt ihr 12 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Minor Leagues
    Defeat the enemies contained in a Minor Sigil.

  2. Major Leagues
    Defeat the enemies contained in a Major Sigil.

  3. Sworn Duty
    Complete 20 Duties.

  4. Enchanted to Meet You
    Enchant an artifact with a legendary crafting material.

  5. All-Powerful
    Complete a Power Spell ritual.

  6. Master Mage
    Level up your character to 100.

  7. Broken
    Level up a creature to 100.

  8. Hot Streak
    Attain an arena win streak of 10 or higher.

  9. Gotta Catch 'em... Nevermind
    Summon 300 unique creatures.

  10. Geheime Trophäen

  11. Lucky Seven
    Beat a gambling dwarf with a roll of 7.

  12. The Pandemonium King
    Defeat the Pandemonium King.

  13. The Treasure Golem
    Defeat a Treasure Golem.

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