Metrico+ Trophäen
In Metrico+ könnt ihr 18 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

Completed all other trophies.
Geheime Trophäen

Observing Details
Found a collectible.

Compulsive Explorer
Found all collectibles.

Minimizing Jumps
Completed World 1 in one play sessions without jumping more than 42 times.

Mortality Rate = 0
Completed World 2 in one play session without dying.

Low Casualty Rate
Completed World 3 in one play session while killing less than 18 enemies.

The Right Way
Completed World 4 in one play session without ever walking left.

100% Hit Rate
Completed World 5 in one play session without missing a single shot.

Efficient Mind
Completed World 6 in one play session without using the restart button.

Getting Into The Mood
Interacted with all forms of input, right at the start of World 1.

Connecting The Dots
In World 2, connected all platforms with a line.

Nimble Movement
Completed World 1 in Speedrun mode in under: 2:34 seconds.

High Velocity
Completed World 2 in Speedrun mode in under: 2:24 seconds.

Keep Momentum
Completed World 3 in Speedrun mode in under: 3:43 seconds.

Accelerating Speeds
Completed World 4 in Speedrun mode in under: 4:06 seconds.

Fast Pacing
Completed World 5 in Speedrun mode in under: 3:56 seconds.

Quick Solutions
Completed World 6 in Speedrun mode in under: 6:30 seconds.

Midway Discovery
Found 50% of all collectibles.
Veröffentlicht: 13.08.2016Aktualisiert: 13.08.2016
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