Kyurinaga's Revenge - Trophäen

Kyurinaga's Revenge Trophäen

In Kyurinaga's Revenge könnt ihr 38 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Platinum Trophy
    Collect all trophies.

  2. Shogunate has fallen
    Finish the game in easy mode.

  3. It ain't easy being green
    Finish the game in normal mode.

  4. You green? Supergreen
    Finish the game in hard mode.

  5. Green Inferno
    Finish the game in Inferno mode.

  6. Daimyo
    Collect all golden coins.

  7. Scribe
    Collect 25% of scrolls.

  8. Scholar
    Collect 50% of scrolls.

  9. Librarian
    Collect 75% of scrolls.

  10. Archaeologist
    Collect 100% of scrolls.

  11. Green Pea Soup
    Kill 10 peas.

  12. Take that back!
    Kill a Pea using his own kama.

  13. Bullseye!
    Kill 5 Patrol Chilis using Broccoli's kunais.

  14. Bye Geneve Convention
    Use a kunai to kill a Parachute Chili.

  15. Michael Bay'ed
    Kill 5 Patrol Chilis using Kaoru's explosive traps.

  16. Immortan Broccoli Joe
    Finish a level without losing a life.

  17. Only the Penitent Man Shall Pass
    Finish level 7 without losing a life.

  18. Lone Wolf
    Finish all levels in 1 player mode.

  19. Bros to the End
    Finish all levels in co-op mode.

  20. Jumpman
    Finish a level without activating any checkpoint.

  21. Forced Seppuku
    Push your partner to a certain death (Kyurinaga's Castle Mode).

  22. Flawless Victory
    Don't miss a combo during an entire combat (not applicable to Horde Mode).

  23. Not even a Scratch
    Defeat 200 enemies in Horde Mode.

  24. True Warrior
    Defeat 850 enemies in Horde Mode.

  25. Geheime Trophäen

  26. The Hidden Fortress
    Complete level 1.

  27. Ran
    Complete level 2.

  28. The Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail
    Complete level 3.

  29. High and Low
    Complete level 4.

  30. Rashomon
    Complete level 5.

  31. Dreams
    Complete level 6.

  32. The Bad Sleep Well
    Complete level 7.

  33. The Quiet Duel
    Complete level 8.

  34. Kagemusha
    Complete level 9.

  35. To Live
    Complete level 10.

  36. Shingeki no Muteki
    Defeat Muteki.

  37. Family Matters
    Defeat Itoshi.

  38. Rock, Paper, Scissors
    Defeat Ka, Zo and Ku brothers.

  39. Payback
    Defeat Voldemaru and Kyurinaga.

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Kyurinaga's Revenge

Kyurinaga's Revenge

Koch Media Deutschland GmbH
Reco Technology
Jump & Run