Fat City - Trophäen

Fat City Trophäen

In Fat City könnt ihr 14 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Diamonds Are Forever
    Earn three diamonds on all jobs.

  2. The Last Heist
    Complete the last known job in NYC.

  3. Just Missed Me
    Barely evade 30 cops.

  4. Smash And Grab
    Complete a job by triggering an alarm without getting caught.

  5. Brooklyn In The Bag
    Complete every job in Brooklyn.

  6. Bought Out Bronx
    Complete every job in Bronx.

  7. Captured Queen
    Complete every job in Queens.

  8. Off The Island
    Complete every job in Staten Island.

  9. Big Bite of the Apple
    Complete every job in Lower Manhattan.

  10. Fog Of War
    Disable 10 cops using Fish's Tactical Smoke Grenade.

  11. Master Hacker
    Hack 10 alarms using Ace's Alarm Jammer.

  12. Pop A Wheelie
    Disable 10 cops using Dali's Tire Spikes.

  13. Fast And Furious
    Complete a job in half the time limit.

  14. Knox's Training Day
    Complete every training job for Knox.

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