Ether One - Trophäen

Ether One Trophäen

In Ether One könnt ihr 13 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Validation

  2. Rembrandt Repairer
    Swapped the fuse in Restoration Chamber 3.

  3. Defragmentation
    Collected all the Memory Fragments.

  4. Déjà Vu
    Rang the bell in the Institute upon your return.

  5. Hoarder
    Filled the shelves in The Case.

  6. Photography
    Taken every Core Memory Photograph.

  7. The Knocker
    Heard the complete tale of The Knocker.

  8. The Restorer
    Restored all of the plaques.

  9. Concern
    Listened to all the Voicemail messages.

  10. Clever Clogs
    Restored 5 Projectors.

  11. Smarty Pants
    Restored 10 Projectors.

  12. Genius
    Restored 15 Projectors.

  13. Lucid
    Restored 20 Projectors.

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