In Dynasty Warriors 8 - Empires könnt ihr 48 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

Obtain all of the trophies in the game.

King of Chaos
Clear any scenario on the "Chaos" difficulty.

Many Ways To Live
Complete all lifestyles.

Decorated Veteran
Achieve all titles.

Weapons Locker
Obtain at least 100 weapons.

Battle Ready
Obtain at least 30 items.

Beyond Invincible
Use any custom character to defeat all of the famous officers.

Intellectual Victory
Defeat more than 10,000 enemies using just Stratagems.

Master of Strategy
Execute all Strategy Commands at least once.

The Sound of Tiny Feet
Have a total of at least 5 children.

Ultimate Nation
Make all famous officers into your subordinate officers.

A New Hero
View any of the endings using a custom character.

Blossoming Love
Profess your love for someone or have someone confess their love for you for the first time.

Oath Beneath Peach Trees
Swear a sworn sibling oath for the first time.

Till Death Do Us Part
Get married for the first time.

Succeed your superior's position for the first time.

Prove Your Quality
Became a Ruler for the first time.

Jumping Ahead
Get recruited as a Marshal or Strategist from being a Free Officer.

Rise in rebellion and become Ruler.

Beginnings of Ambition
Raise the banner of your own Kingdom for the first time.

Nepotism Rules
Create a Kingdom comprised entirely of your sworn siblings, spouses and children.

Aim For The Back
Perform a betrayal for the first time.

Build a facility for the first time.

Strategy Stopper
Stop a Large Scale Stratagem being prepared by the enemy.

Doesn't Play Well With Others
Have a subordinate officer abandon you for the first time.

Goal Orientated Leader
Complete four Battle Objectives in a single battle.

Crushing Victory
Win a battle with more than 90% of your total forces remaining.

First Mission
Complete your first mission.

Brave and Bold
Fight your way into enemy territory alone and defeat an officer.

Unrivaled Strategist
Use at least 100 Stratagems.

Appointed Strategist
Be appointed as a Strategist for the first time.

Appointed Marshal
Be appointed as a Marshal for the first time.

Start of a Long Road
Complete a Strategy Objective for the first time.

Sizable Kingdom
Obtain 20 officers in your own Kingdom.

Battlefield Controller
Capture 10 or more bases during a single battle.

Paragon of Good
Obtain virtue of "Saint.".

Husk of Evil
Obtain virtue of "Pure Evil.".

Building Trust
Complete a Quest and deepen your friendship with your Ruler.

Age of Beauty
Have at least three officers declare their love for you in a single lifetime.

Construction Enthusiast
Build at least six of the same facility.

A Special Gift
Receive a weapon or item as a gift for the first time.

The Elite Few
Win a battle with significantly less allied forces than enemy ones.

Many Crossroads
View all of the events that can be watched in the Gallery.

The Next Generation
Have a child for the first time.

Well Seasoned
Fight and win a stage in spring, summer, fall and winter.

Weather Master
Use a Stratagem to change the weather.

Collected Works
In Edit Mode, create at least one officer, banner, warhorse and soldier.

Winds of Victory
Take part in "Battle of Chibi - Allied Forces" & have Zhuge Liang's "Southeast Wind" strategy work.