Blade Ballet - Trophäen

Blade Ballet Trophäen

In Blade Ballet könnt ihr 14 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Impeccably Ordinary
    Win a match as Nix.

  2. Cyclone of Death
    Win a match as Torque.

  3. Peerless Lancer
    Win a match as Vanguard.

  4. Ferocious Feline
    Win a match as Catbot.

  5. Situation Under Control
    Win a match as Riot.

  6. GET REKT!
    Win a match as Ruckus.

  7. Self Destructive Tendencies
    Win a match as Trigger.

  8. Master Vampire
    Win a match as Syphon.

  9. Circuit Shatterer
    Win a match as Drop Jaw.

  10. CareCOMM's Finest
    Win a match as Steve.

  11. Geheime Trophäen

  12. Breacher
    Kill Riot while she has all of her shields.

  13. 9 Lives
    Cheat death with an invulnerability capsule.

  14. Sniped!
    Kill a player by charging across the level.

  15. Conscientious Objector
    Win a round without killing anyone.

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