Gatling Gears - Trophäen

Gatling Gears Trophäen

In diesem Spiel könnt ihr euch 12 Trophäen verdienen. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Trophäen:

  1. Green Peace
    Don't push over any trees in Tresspassers.

  2. Iron Man
    Learn how to operate your walker and complete Bootcamp.

  3. Mine! Mine! Mine!
    Don't take any damage from sea mines in Tide of Battle.

  4. Second in Command
    Defeat General Brutus by destroying The Excavator.

  5. Take it to the Max
    Fully upgrade your walker.

  6. Thunder Struck
    Destroy all lightning harvesters in Fog of War.

  7. You Never Walk Alone
    Complete an area in co-op.

  8. Back to Retirement
    Defeat Julius Steelwell and save the world by destroying The Butler.

  9. Gladiator
    Clear all Survival mode arenas.

  10. Survival of the Fittest
    Complete a Survival mode arena without losing a life.

  11. Veteran
    Complete all areas on the hardest difficulty.

  12. Can't Touch This
    Complete an area in Katharsis without getting hit.

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Navigation Tipps und Tricks

Gatling Gears

Gatling Gears

Electronic Arts