In diesem Spiel könnt ihr euch 57 Trophäen verdienen. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Trophäen:

88 Core
Completed Warping Core on at least Medium Difficulty.

A Matter of Perspective
Saw all four Hero endings.

A Taste of Victory
Completed all Area 3 levels on any difficulty setting.

Brute Force
Earned the Gunslinger Award on all Missions.

Catch 'em All
Stored all Familiar types in your Item Box or on your Heroes.

Core Cardio
Completed Moving Core on at least Medium Difficulty.

Core Destroyer
Completed Assault on at least Medium Difficulty.

Earned Skin of Your Teeth Award on 6 Missions.

Defender of Etheria
Reached Hero Level 70.

Defense Is the Best Offense
Reached Wave 10 on all levels in Pure Strategy on at least Medium Difficulty.

Divine Intention
Picked up a Godly Weapon.

Dungeon Crawler
Completed all levels on any difficulty setting.

Ella, Ella
Completed Raining Goblins on at least Medium Difficulty.

Friends Forever
Completed Unlikely Allies on at least Medium Difficulty.

From Fire with Brimstone
Completed all Area 1 levels on Insane.

From The Depths
Completed all Area 1 levels on any difficulty setting.

Gold Rush
Completed Treasure Hunt on at least Medium Difficulty.

Good Student
Completed the Tutorial. You deserve a cookie!

In A Fowl Mood
Completed Chicken on at least Medium Difficulty.

Iron Man
Reached Survival Wave 10 on Insane Difficulty.

Master Banker
Stored 15,000,000 Mana in your Mana Bank.

Earned the Master Strategist Award on all Missions.

Monster Mania
Completed Death From Above on at least Medium Difficulty.

O Mighty Smiter!
Wore a full set of Godly Items.

Obedience Training
You raised a Pet to its maximum potential!

Earned the Flawless Victory Award on at least 6 Missions on at least Normal. Difficulty.

Reached Hero Level 10.

You upgraded your first equipment. Keep it up!

Speed Freak
Completed Zippy Terror on at least Medium Difficulty.

Reached Survival Wave 15 on Medium Difficulty.

Team Effort
Completed all levels with 4 active players on at least Medium Difficulty.

The Belly of the Beast
Completed all Area 1 levels on Hard.

The Body of the Beast
Completed all Area 2 levels on Hard.

The Crown of the Beast
Completed all Area 3 levels on Hard.

Thick Skin
Reached Survival Wave 20 on Medium Difficulty.

This Is My Weapon
You upgraded an Equipment to its maximum potential!

Through The Crowded Keep
Completed all Area 2 levels on Insane.

To The Limit
Wore a complete set of maximum level Equipments.

To The Lofty Summit
Completed all Area 3 levels on Insane.

To The Rooftops
Completed all Area 2 levels on any difficulty setting.

Tough Guy
Reached Survival Wave 15 on Hard Difficulty.

True Nobility
Earned the Lord Award on at least Medium Difficulty.

Reached Hero Level 30.

Where's the Blueprints?
Completed No Towers Allowed on at least Medium Difficulty.

Wizard Hunter
Completed Wizardry on at least Medium Difficulty.

You No Take Mushroom
Completed Ogre Crush on at least Medium Difficulty.

A Challenger Approaches
Completed All Challenges on INSANE Difficulty!

Dancing in the Rain
Completed Raining Goblins on Insane Difficulty.

Dungeon Raider
Completed all levels on Hard.

Gold Blitz
Completed Treasure Hunt on Insane Difficulty.

Group Hug
Raised a Hero of each type to Level 70.

Kobold Exterminator
Completed Zippy Terror on Insane Difficulty.

Monster Madness
Completed Death From Above on Insane Difficulty.

Ogre Block Party
Completed Ogre Crush on Insane Difficulty.

Weapon Master
Completed No Towers Allowed on Insane Difficulty.

Secret Trophy
Completed all levels on Insane! Congratulations Brave Dungeon Defender!

Legendary Defender
You have earned every Dungeon Defenders Accomplishment! Trendy salutes you!