Double Dragon: Neon Trophäen
In diesem Spiel könnt ihr euch 13 Trophäen verdienen. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Trophäen:

Metal Head
Upgrade a song at the Tapesmith.

Weapon Master
Use every weapon once.

Pick a Winner!
Nail all enemies with the hair pick.

Gleam On!
Dodge and get the Gleam 50 times.

Mr. Perfect
Complete any level without taking damage.

This Channel Sucks
Break all the Skullmageddon monitors in the Rocket Dojo.

Defeat Skullmageddon!

Misters Perfect
Complete any level in co-op without taking any damage... with friendly fire enabled!

Double Dragon
Finish every stage cooperatively on Double Dragon difficulty with friendly fire enabled!

Single Dragon
Finish every stage solo on Double Dragon difficulty!

Max Fidelity
Max out every song to level 50!!
Geheime Trophäen

Befriend everyone's most favoritest helpful character!

A Foot Face?
Become the hidden idol!
Veröffentlicht: 15.09.2012Aktualisiert: 23.09.2012
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