Ben 10: Omniverse - Trophäen

Ben 10: Omniverse Trophäen

In diesem Spiel könnt ihr euch 47 Trophäen verdienen. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Trophäen:

  1. Omniverse Overlord
    Earn every Trophy in the game.

  2. Smoothie Operator
    Collect all Smoothie power-ups.

  3. Codon Collector
    Collect all Codon Crystal power-ups.

  4. Omnitrix To The Max
    Fully upgrade all of Ben's alien forms.

  5. Plumber Power
    Fully upgrade all of Rook's Proto-Tool functions.

  6. Open Season
    Open 75 Tech Repositories over the course of the game.

  7. Focused Destruction
    Destroy 8 crates in a single attack.

  8. Mass Destruction
    Destroy 150 crates in the game.

  9. 15-Hitter
    Perform a 15-hit combo.

  10. 25-Hitter
    Perform a 25-hit combo.

  11. 35-Hitter
    Perform a 35-hit combo.

  12. Up In The Air
    Defeat 30 enemies while they are in the air.

  13. Human Power
    Defeat 20 enemies as Young Ben or Teen Ben (not in alien form).

  14. Omni What?
    Defeat 30 enemies as Young Ben or Teen Ben (not in alien form).

  15. Look, Grandpa--No Aliens!
    Defeat 50 enemies as Young Ben or Teen Ben (not in alien form).

  16. Feedback Frenzy
    Defeat 50 enemies as Feedback.

  17. Think Fast
    Defeat 50 enemies as XLR8.

  18. The Eyes Have It
    Defeat 50 enemies as Eye Guy.

  19. Shockingly Effective
    Defeat 50 enemies as Shocksquatch.

  20. Gravattacktics
    Defeat 50 enemies as Gravattack.

  21. Battle Bloxx
    Defeat 50 enemies as Bloxx.

  22. Four Times The Fun
    Defeat 50 enemies as Four Arms.

  23. Cannon Fodder
    Defeat 50 enemies as Cannonbolt.

  24. Diamond In The Rough
    Defeat 50 enemies as Diamondhead.

  25. Branching Out
    Defeat 50 enemies as Wildvine.

  26. Heated Exchange
    Defeat 50 enemies as Heatblast.

  27. Goin' Mutts
    Defeat 50 enemies as Wild Mutt.

  28. Just Chillin'
    Defeat 50 enemies as Arctiguana.

  29. Not A Scratch
    Complete an entire level without being defeated and reset.

  30. It's Hero Time
    Complete the entire game on Hero difficulty.

  31. Geheime Trophäen

  32. Training Time
    Completed the training simulation... and wrecked the timeline.

  33. The Galvanic Butterfly Effect
    Escape from Malware... for now.

  34. Future Malformed
    Defeat Mucillator.

  35. Technical Difficulties
    Take out Psyphon and rescue Blukic and Driba.

  36. Past Due
    Defeat the Queen Ant and rescue Grandpa Max.

  37. Extreme Earth Makeover
    Discover the morphic generator.

  38. That Was Then...
    Plant the explosives in the past.

  39. ...This Is Now
    Set off the explosives in the present.

  40. Weird Scientist
    Steal Animo's tech and lure Malware to the cavern.

  41. Plumb Crazy
    Lure Malware into the Plumber Training Room.

  42. Two Malwares... No Waiting
    Defeat both Malwares and fix the timeline.

  43. Muttin' To It
    Unlock Wildmutt.

  44. Have A Ball
    Unlock Cannonbolt.

  45. Constructive Feedback
    Unlock Feedback.

  46. Heavy Duty
    Unlock Gravattack.

  47. Building Bloxx
    Unlock Bloxx.

  48. Super Cool
    Unlock Arctiguana.

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Ben 10: Omniverse

Ben 10: Omniverse

Bandai Namco Games
Monkey Bar Games