
Tom Clancy�s Splinter Cell PS2 Walkthrough/FAQ
By- Brian Quaranto (untelligent@hotmail.com)

                         TOM CLANCY'S
  ____            _   _           _                      ____          _   _
 / ___|   _ __   | | (_)  _ __   | |_    ___   _ __     / ___|   ___  | | | |
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 |____/  | .__/  |_| |_| |_| |_|  \__|  \___| |_|       \____|  \___| |_| |_|

 *********This Splinter Cell Walkthrough is copyrighted to me,
            Brian Quaranto. If you want to copy ANY section of it,
            You must email me at the above email address.**************

===========================Table of Contents==================================
I. Version Info
II. Controls
III. Characters
    IV.  Walkthrough
          i.   CIA Training Farm
             a. Basic Training
             b. Covert Ops Training
         ii.   Police Station
             a. Finding the Contact
             b. Finding the Black Box
             c. Finding the Sub Dermals
             d. Accessing the Security System
        iii.   Defense Ministry
             a. Interrogate the Driver
             b. Laser Mic the Conversation
             c. Access Nikoladze's Computer
                 1. Courtyard Diagram
         iv.   Oil Refinery
             a. Infiltrate the Oil Refinery
             b. Trailing the Mercenary
                 1. Oil Rig Platform Diagram.=

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