
Soul Calibur II
Liquid Talim FAQ
Version 1.0
by JinLaW

=-=-=Copyright of JinLaW=-=-=
This FAQ is intended to help Talim players to understand how to use her. 
It's a smaller form of the Talim Strats forum of soulcalibur.com I did 
some weeks ago. I, personally, am not an excellent Talim player, like 
Seven or Shauno, but this FAQ is just the strategies Seven, Shauno, 
Nuts, and all the members of the forum. BTW, you can put this FAQ 
anywhere you want to, but give credits to me(JinLaW) and the Talim 
Strats forums at soulcalibur.com. Let's get started.

=-=-=The Conventions=-=-=

A- Horizontal Attack
B- Vertical Attacks
K- Kick
G- Guard

=-=-=Movement Conventions=-=-=
7 8 9      u/b u u/f    up-back   up     up-forward
4 5 6   =   b  N  f    = back     neutral  forward
1 2 3      d/b d d/f    down-back down   down-forward

=-=-=Special Conventions=-=-=
+ - Moves must be done together
, - Moves must be done right after the other
_ - Or (When used between two moves, they are interchangable)
* - return joystick to the neutral position
[] - Hold down the selected button(s) for possible delay or change up
> - possible delay between moves
~ - buttons pressed immediately after the other
() - Parenthesis indicates optional moves in a string

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