
"This document Copyright 2000 Nathan Norris"

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      Smuggler's Run - Smuggler's Mission Walkthrough Version 1.1
    By: Minesweeper (Nathan Norris) Email:  minesweeper1@hotmail.com


Last updated:  11/17/00

Table of Contents

1:  Introduction
2:  Revision History
3:  Game rules and other Stuff
4:  Walkthrough
5:  Thanks
6:  Copyright


1:  Introduction

Hello!  Thanks for picking up this guide for the magnificent game we 
know as Smuggler's Run.  It's something like a cross between Dukes of 
Hazzard and a monster truck rally.  You will be delivering a variety of 
things, some explosive, some radioactive, all illegal.  Naturally, the 

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