
Previous FAQ version date: 13/01/03 (13th JAnuary 2003)
Daniel Astley - lfc87da11@btopenworld.com

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         UNLOCKABLES      ��|  []  |��      BY DANIEL ASTLEY
             FAQ            |  []  |                                           
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                            |  []  |                                           
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v0.1 - 30/12/02 - Walkthrough complete - fast, eh? - First part.
v0.2 - 10/01/03 - Apology to LimBizkitFan, AscI art was dodgy - fixed it
v1.0 - 12/01/03 - Completely new section started, this is a much more detailed
                  section, it tells you how you unlock each thing. but please
                  note; I need A LOT of help with this section, because I didn't
                  follow the story all that well, so I don't often know what an
                  object is. This is often on the Concept Art, so if you know
                  what one is, and can give a brief description, e-mail me and
                  if it's accurate I'll give you full credit.
v1.1 - 13/01/03 - Done No's 1 - 50 in Concept Art, not as time-consuming as I'd
                  first presumed, probably stick to 100's now. Added FAQ's
                  section. Also, NotePad is too weak to open my file as of now.
                  This sucks 'cos I hate WordPad. It's too complicated for a 
                  novice PC user such as myself. 



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