Team Oni Mini Game FAQ For Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny (PS2 Game)
Version 1.00
Created on 10/12/2002
Written by Victor Chou
email: chouvictor@yahoo.com
I. Introduction
II. Walkthrough
III. Closing
I. Introduction
The Team Oni mini game is unlocked after you beat Onimusha 2 in normal
mode. You can play the Team Oni mini game in the special feature section.
There are 20 levels total. You have 5 characters to use: Jubei, Oyu,
Kotaro, Magoichi, and Ekei. Your character's life bar will decrease
continuosly as time pass, just like in the Onimusha Warlord's mini game.
There are blue pots all over the 20 levels that you can break to absorb
the yellow souls to heal your life bar. When you defeat all the enemies
in a level a yellow light will appear. This yellow light provides you
with an opportunity to heal your character's life bar. Everytime you
walk into the yellow light and press X your life bar will be healed for
approximately half life bar and you will be teleported to the next level.
Use this yellow light wisely. Don't waste this healing opportunity by
walking the character that has full life bar into the yellow light, use
the character that took some damage into the yellow light to heal.
There are also some grey pot all over the 20 levels that releases blue
souls for your magic attack when you break the pot. Again, don't waste
the blue souls on character that has full magic bar. Use character that
doesn't have the full magic bar to absorb the blue souls. The blue souls
and yellow souls disappear very quickly so make sure you absorb them fast.
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