
Onimusha 2 ($B54Ipl?MJ*(J (CHARACTERS)

$BLx@8!!==J<1R(J (Yagyuu Jyuubei)
The hero of this sequel. A man of justice, Jyuubei is an expert swordsman
with the ability to absorb Genma souls.
Guided by a mysterious woman, Jyuubei sets out on the journey to seek
revenge for the massacre of all the residents of his home village. His
target is Oda Nobunaga, who is now no longer a living human being, but a
Genma instead.

$B?%ED!!?.D9(J (Oda Nobunaga)
Even though killed on the battlefield by an arrow through the neck, Nobunaga
is still in this world because of an unholy contract with the Genma.
With world domination as his ultimate goal, Nobunaga is right now based atop
the Inaba Mountain, attacking the Odani Castle.

$BLZ2.C+$N$*M8(J (Oyuu of Odani)
Clothed in foreign attire and equipped with foreign weapons, the origin of
Oyuu is truly mysterious. All that's known about her was that she's from the
Odani Castle that's being attacked by Nobunaga at the moment.
The grace and elegance of this beauty sometimes inadvertently give away the

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