
PS2 Midnight Club Street Racing: Unlocking special cars for use in Arcade mode:

In Midnight Club there are 6 vehicles which cannot be unlocked by winning races
(see http://Ledmeister.com/mc1ps2xr.htm for details on all races and vehicles).
One hidden vehicle, a "Baja Buggy", becomes available in Arcade mode when using
a memory card containing data from the PS2 game "Smuggler's Run"; The remaining
5 are unlocked by driving into secret areas during Arcade: Cruise/Joyride mode.
Instructions below are for use with a regular Taxi with automatic transmission.
For best results set pedestrian/traffic levels to zero, and use the map screen.

TAXI CABS: SUPER TAXI (New York): When you first appear in New York, your Taxi
will be facing south.  Drive south to the middle of the green park area at the
rounded southern tip of the map.  Look for a cluster of gray monoliths (a war
memorial).  From there, continue south to the long, low wall nearby.  Turn left
and follow the wall to a crosswalk at an intersection.  Turn around to face the
opposite direction, with your front bumper over the crosswalk.  Hold down the X
button continuously and follow the wall.  As you pass the memorial, turn right,
towards an opening in a low red brick building to the northwest.  Drive up the
right half of the ramp inside this building, and jump to the roof of the next.
Find the rotating pink aurora, and drive through it to unlock the Super Taxi.

TAXI CABS: MARAUDER (New York): When you first appear in New York, your Taxi
will be facing south.  Head right to drive to the west edge of map, then turn
left and start driving south along the edge of the map.  On your left you will
begin passing by 4 large red brick buildings, one after another.  At the corner
of the fourth one, look for an opening.  Just inside is a ramp.  Park your Taxi
with its front bumper at the bottom edge of the ramp.  Hold down the X button
continuously while following the ramp around to a window at the top.  Aim your
Taxi so it goes through the right-hand side of the window.  With luck, you will
jump across to the third building, and crash through a window on its second
floor.  Slowly drive through the rotating pink aurora to unlock the Marauder.

KURUMA: FAASUTO GR (London): When you first appear in London, press the R2
button to look behind you, and you'll see a blue "SPEED" sign on the corner of
a building.  Turn around and drive over to the 4-way intersection under that
sign.  In the middle of the intersection, face that blue sign on the building,
and turn slightly to the right.  Drive down the street, keeping that building
on your left.  When you get to an intersection, continue straight through until
you get to the next intersection.  Up ahead to the left you'll see a green dome
rising above a wide, low building.  Proceed forward and look left for a short

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Midnight Club: Street Racing

Rockstar Games
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