
Wairo "Bribe" MiniFAQ
Version 2.00 (8.5.01)
Written by Muni Shinobu (muni_shinobu@yahoo.com)

What is "Wairo"? Wairo is Bribe. What is "Bribe"?
The Command Ability "Bribe" is an abitiy to bribe the enemies to not
battle you but to leave, while leaving behind sometimes rare and
valuable items.
The element that determines if a Bribe is successful the amount. It is
actually very simple. The amount for a successful Bribe is 20 times the
full HP of the monster you are bribing.

The Wairo ability is located at the bottom near center of the Sphere
Board, to the left of Fira and Thundara.

Although in the Japanese list I made, I listed everything according to
the a-i-u-e-o of the item names, which made the list quite neat, in
this English version of the list I am going to do it by area, since the
a-i-u-e-o rule couldn't be applied.

Bisaido Island
Dingo - 2,500 - Sleep Powder x 4
Water Purin - 6,200 - Water Magic Stone x 2
Condor - 1,900 - Smoke Bomb x 3

Dinonikusu - 2,800 - Stone Grenade x 2
Balsam - 15,600 - All Purpose Medicine x 2
Yellow Element - 6,000 - Falling Thunder Ball x 8
Killer Bee - 2,200 - Poison Ball x 1
Ochyu (ONE CHANGE ONLY) - 92,980 - All Purpose Medicine x 80

Mihen Road
Rarudo - 4,800 - Haipero Medicine x 10
Mihem Fang - 3,200 - Sleep Powder x 5
Duel Horn - 37,500 - High Potion x 60
Float Eye - 2,800 - Kitsuke Medicine x 1
White Element - 7,800 - Northern Wind x 7

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