Final Fantasy X Secrets FAQ ver 2.1 by DokiWaku
Welcome to my Final Fantasy X Secrets FAQ. This FAQ was written playing
the Japanese import version of the game. If things have changed in the
American version, I can't help you. I'll keep my rants short here and get
right to business. All of these quests are easily done once you have access
to your airship to freely select locations, although most may require that you
have started the battle with Sin and then returned to your ship after the fight
with Seymor inside of Sin, but before the final fight against Jeckt.
Airship Passwords and Coordinates
In your airship menu you have 3 options
We are concerned with the latter 2.
First we have some passwords. These can be found by reading the Al Bhed
symbols scattered throught Spira once you have enough of the dictionaries to
actually read them correctly. Here are a few passwords to enter. They must be
entered in hiragana. If you don't know hiragana, go find a cheapo book at B&N
or the like. Even the $10 travel size books usually have the 2 Japanese
alphabets listed.
GO tsu DO HA N DO = Kinokoiwa Valley Bottom (the lowercase tsu means use the
smaller tsu from the middle of the character list)
BI KU TO RI A SU = Bisaido Ruins 1
MU RA SA ME = Bisado Ruins 2
Once you enter these, you can select the new area from the list (it will even
show up with a little box that says 'NEW'.
Then there are the coordinates. You can freely move the cursor around the
map. On the left X,Y,Z coordinates are shown. Z is just elevation and is
unimportant. So here are some X,Y locations to use. Just press the O button to
search these spots and the new location will appear in your List menu.
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