
Final Fantasy X
In Battle Quotes FAQ
by Matthew Wilson
email: MatthewWilson480@hotmail.com

1. Spiel
2. Some Information On In Battle Quotes
3. Onto The Quotes
 a. Tidus
 b. Yuna
 c. Wakka
 d. Lulu
 e. Kimahri
 f. Auron
 g. Rikku
4. Credits

1. Firstly this is my first FAQ (as you can probably tell), well my first 
publicly available FAQ anyway, so I hope you can be patient with some of my 
backwards ways. Also this FAQ was written from the PAL version of the game, I'm 
not sure how quotes differ in the original, American or International versions, 
if at all. I first decided to write this FAQ because Square, in their infinite 
wisdom, (just joshing, I love ya really) decided to make the majority of in 
battle quotes (including all magic and most skills) only be said once by any one 
character, and then never again. This I do not understand, I mean in the Config 
Menu there is an option to make Aeon sequences long or short, how hard would it 
be to make an option for quotes; either ONCE or ALWAYS? But enough of my 
whining. Also I should mention that these quotes are only quotes that I 
personally came across, there must be many, many more that I did not discover 
so, if anybody finds anymore you can e-mail them to me and credit will be given. 
Just one last thing, believe it or not there are some SPOILERS in this FAQ, 
because some quotes are only said after certain events, which I will be 
mentioning, or in response to certain monsters, which I will also be mentioning.

2. Firstly, the in game quotes I am talking about are only non-story related. 
This means these quotes only appear in the centre of the screen, in a slightly 
larger font than usual. (Disclaimer: there may be exceptions, don't e-mail me 
about them.) So this does not include any information bearing quotes or Trigger 
Command quotes; 

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