
DDDDDDDD            OOOOOO          AAA           222222  
DDDDDDDDD          OOOOOOOO         AAAA         22222222
  DD   DDD        OOO    OOO          AA        222    222
  DD    DDD      OOO      OOO        AAAA       22      22
  DD     DDD    OOO        OOO      AA  AA              22
  DD      DD    OO          OO      AA  AA             222
  DD      DD    OO          OO      AA  AA            222
  DD      DD    OO          OO      AA  AA           222
  DD      DD    OO          OO      AA  AA          222
  DD      DD    OO          OO      AA  AA         222
  DD      DD    OO          OO      AAAAAA        222
  DD     DDD    OOO        OOO     AAAAAAAA      222
  DD    DDD      OOO      OOO     AA      AA    222      22
  DD   DDD        OOO    OOO      AA      AA    222      22
DDDDDDDDD          OOOOOOOO     AAAAAA  AAAAAA  22222222222
DDDDDDDD            OOOOOO      AAAAAA  AAAAAA  22222222222

This Faq is 2001 Copyright of Robert Snyder.  You may print it out for 
your own personal use or to give to a friend; you may also include it in 
you webpage if you give me credit for writing it.

DOA2 is copyright of Tecmo as are all characters and the DOA2 logo and 
so on and so forth...

Last updated: (6/7/01)

Version: 1.0
Did just about everything

Version: 1.1
Added information on the system, game version, and area

This FAQ contains all of the tag team character combinations which 
contain at least one special team up "special".  I will name the 
characters, how the move is performed, and what it looks like. It was 
written based exclusively on the American version of Dead or Alive 2: 
Hardcore for the Playstation 2. Enjoy


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DOA2: Hardcore

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