Sonic Adventure for Dreamcast
A-Life guide 6/29/01 GEttinger 1.30
Thank you,
George Ettinger
Sonic Adventure
Chao/A-Life FAQ-Complete Guide
By George Ettinger - andvariar@aol.com
Version 1.20
No Further Updates
Disclaimer: Sonic Adeventure, Chao, and related Characters are property of Sega
<|----------------Your screen should be this wide for optimum ease of reading----------------|>
1. Notes, revisions, etc.
A. Introduction/Revisions/Credits
B. What's a Chao?
C. What's the point?
D. Terminology
E. Controls
2. Starting out
A. The Gardens
B. Eggs / Secret Eggs / New Color Eggs
C. Hatching
3. Basic Care
A. Feeding & Petting
B. Head Symbols & Emotions
C. Giving it animals
D. Evolution / Devolution / Death
E. Mating
F. Gaining more Total HP
4. Special Evolution
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