
                 Skies of Arcadia, Ship Battles Mini-FAQ
                             Version 1.0 

                 By Michael Pureka (mpureka@wesleyan.edu)


"Skies of Arcadia" and all associated names are property of Sega.

Neither this FAQ nor any portion of it may be reprinted in any strategy
guide, periodical, CD-ROM collection of FAQs, or the like. You may distribute
this FAQ freely as long as it remains in it's original, unmodified form
and that there is no charge for the distribution.  Please do not modify this
FAQ - if you see something that needs to be changed, contact me and I will
credit you for it in the next version.  If you wish to include portions of 
this FAQ in another document, contact me regarding the details, and I will
let you know.


Version History:

12/08/2000, 1.5 - A lot of small corrections, expanded info on the "Crew" 
        command.  LOTS of additional clarifications on how to beat one of the
        battles that people keep asking questions about.  General clean up.

11/21/2000, 1.0 - First releasable version. Fixed some misconceptions I had,
        learned a bit more about some of the weapons, got a chance to play
        with the "Crew" Command.

11/20/2000, 0.5 - Beta version. I haven't even finished the game yet, but I 
        wanted to put something together to help people who are baffled by the
        ship battle system - I know I was at first.  Input is welcome.


Table of Contents

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