
Shenmue Options Guide/FAQ v. 1.0
� 2000 John M. Adriatico

(Delete NOSPAM from my address before mailing me)

NOTICE: This FAQ maybe redistributed across the Internet, free of charge 
UNEDITED and with all credit due to the author. All work and text presented here 
is � 2000 John M. Adriatico. Shenmue, Dreamcast and all registered trademarks 
are copyright Sega Enterprises Ltd.  You may not use this FAQ for profit or 
publish in any form for profit, or copy any text from this FAQ to use without 
credit, notice and approval from myself. If you need to use this FAQ for any 
other method than stated above, contact me at my e-mail address above. Don't 
plagiarize- legal actions WILL be taken against those who do!!!

This part of the FAQ will help those non-Japanese speaking Shenmue fans (like 
myself- no, really, I had to experiment A LOT to make this guide!! ;-)) through 
the Main Menu. After pressing Start, you are transported to the main menu and 
here are your choices. Choose by highlighting and pressing the A button.  (Menus 
from top to bottom, going clockwise): 

New Game- Starts off Shenmue from the beginning of the game.

Continue- If you save your game during play and when it stops at the lock screen 
after that, reset the game by pressing A+B+X+Y/Start and go to the main menu and 
continue the same way that you would load a save game in the Load & Start menu.

Options- Configure your Shenmue game-playing experience here. 
Use D-pad to select, A or B to exit, except on third bar, push A to select 
Control and Sound Configurations.

First Bar- Children's Mode

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