
Shen Mue FAQ/WalkThru v3.0
by Professer Revolution(ProfRev777@aol.com)
This document copyright(c)1999 by the author
Shen Mue(c) 1999 by CRI


This document can be freely used and distributed around the internet 
providing proper credit is given to the author and it isn't altered in
any way, shape or form. This document may NOT be used in a magazine or 
any other publication for profit. This document is not to be used as 
incentive to buy a product.

Version History: v3.0--Added Menu Description section
                       Some basic punctuation,spelling,format fixes.

                 v2.5--Just a quickie to try and fix the spacing.
                       Turned to the "darkside" and converted the FAQ
                       to Notepad. 
                       Made a few spelling corrections and such

                 v2.0--Added Disc 3 Walk Thru
                       Fixed "Santo" to "Soryu" with credit in Thank You's
                       Spacing problems still exist, grrr...

                 v1.0--Added Disc 2 Walk Thru.
                       Removed "Notes and Extras"(explained in Intro)
                       Still having Simpletext spacing problems

                 v0.9--Added the Introduction and Controls,fixed typos. 
                       Added "Disc 1 Notes and Extras" to Disc 1 Walk Thru
                       Added "Important Mail Notice" and "other places to 
                        get help" in "About the Author" section.
                       Ugly Simpletext spacing problems are showing up again

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