
Sonic The Hedgehog
for Sega Genesis
Tips, Walkthrough
Version 1.0, 10/29/00

William Walker
email J-D-Walker@worldnet.att.net

This document Copyright 2000 William Walker. Reproduction and
distribution without permission is okay, as long as (1) I am
given credit for my work, and (2) it's not done for commercial


Did you know that the most popular games for Sega Genesis were
the Sonic the Hedgehog series? In this FAQ I'll cover Sonic 1,
the first and simplest game in the series. I'll include
walkthroughs for some of the tougher levels, plus a level select
if you can't seem to beat a level. That last part is important;
this file includes a controller code that lets you start at any
level you want. That can be very important if you're stuck. Look
for it at the end of the file. Well, what are you waiting for?
Let's get started!

Welcome to Sonic!

Ivo Robotnik, the demented scientist, has plans for a giant sky
station called the Death Egg (aka Star Wars) with which he plans
to conquer the world. So he's captured all the animals on
Floating Island, the magical island that floats in the sky due to
the power of the chaos emeralds, giant gems with amazing powers.
Anyway Robotnik's has put them in prison eggs and plans to turn
them into robots. Some of the animals have already met this
horrible fate and will never stop trying to defeat you. In Sonic
1, we won't see the Death Egg yet, as Robotnik's robot army works
to build it at his current lair, the scrap brain. Robotnik also
knows how to build traps, obstacles and many other things to

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