

SEGA GT SETTINGS GUIDE V1.0 (Copyright 2001-2002 Jacob Chodoriwsky)
System: Dreamcast

 by Jacob "Shinkutat" Chodoriwsky
 email: shinkutat@ignmail.com
 V1.0 made 2001/12/27

 Sega GT and Dreamcast are (C) Copyrights of SEGA.


 This guide can also be found at my website:

 Shinkutat's Sega GT Warehouse of Goodness

  This document is protected by International Copyright Law.  Feel free to post
this anywhere in in part or in whole so long as you satisfy 3 (three) simple

1) Don't change anything!  If you feel you have something to add to this FAQ,
contact me.

2) You cannot sell this, or use it to make money in any way.

3) If you post it or publish it, you must give me credit.


1. Handling Settings

  First of all it should be noted that drastic changes bring drastic results;
if you want to tune your car well, take it into Time Attack and go on Sky Peak
Hill (forward or reverse) because this is the most difficult track in the game
in terms of terrain. If your car handles well on this track, it will handle
well on any track. Test your car, make a minor adjustment to one setting,
repeat until your car handles the way you like it.

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