
Moero! Justice Gakuen // Project Justice 
   Combo FAQ (3/16/01) v.6
       -Japanese Sega Dreamcast- 

by Hector "Kuroko" Rivera (shinkuroko@hotmail.com)

Version History

.6(3/16/01) More corrections,format,additions 
.5(2/21/01) Initial Release


-- Notation on attacks that hit, trip, and launch
-- More clarifications/explanations


I've been searching for a good guide for combos for this 
game, couldn't find one so I made my own. This is an 
attempt to make a simple and easy to read chart to see
how the chains work and thus allow you to create your
combo. Some may want to start at the high, then trick 
with a low attack, etc.

Also, due to me starting a new job I won't be able to
update this guide so much. If anybody thinks they can
continue this guide while keeping it simple (no
individual combo listings) and concise, email me. 

===How to read===

The charts are divided into off the ground, ground chains, 
Air Combo chains, and a High Jump Air Rave

GROUND CHAIN: attacks done will being on the ground 

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