
                               | Powerstone 2 |

| Information |
| Type      - Game Info/FAQ/Move List              |
| Game      - Powerstone 2, NTSC/JAP               |
| Developer - Capcom Co.                           |
| Author    - Written by Alucard                   |
| E-mail    - lordmjr@shiningforce.freeserve.co.uk |
| Homepage  - http://saturn.sega-zone.com          |
| Version   - 0.5 (01/08/2000)                     |


| Contents |

Current number or pages when printed using Notepad: 17

  1. About The FAQ
   1.1 - Disclaimer
   1.2 - FAQ Description
  2. History
    2.1 - Version History
      2.1a - v0.1 (24/07/2000)
      2.1b - v0.2 (26/07/2000)
      2.1c - v0.3 (27/07/2000)
      2.1d - v0.4 (28/07/2000)
      2.1e - v0.5 (01/08/2000)
    2.2 - In The Next Update...
  3. Prelude
    3.1 - Opening Speech

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