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ddddddddd ddddd ooooooooooo aaaaaaaaaa aaaa22222222222222222222
The 'Dead or Alive 2 First FAQ' - By Big Cat (Jon Tanaka)
_____ - Assisted by al-x (Alex Ambroziak)
_/ ____\____ - Updates available at www.fighters.net
\ __\/ \ - Version 1.0b (3rd January 2000)
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|__| |___| /
Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------
Please feel free to distribute this text document freely with the following
- It will not be used by any commercial organization for profit without
the consent of it's writer and/or Fighters.Net (email comments@fighters.net).
We have, and WILL, take legal action; the author has worked weeks to document,
translate and write this FAQ.
- It will be kept in its entirety, and individual parts of this document will
not be used without the writer's consent.
Print this FAQ in a fixed width font (eg. Courier). If this Faq has been
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