
DEAD OR ALIVE 2 and DOA 2 Limited Edition
(for Sega Dreamcast; regular edition, US; Limited Edition, Japan; and 
PAL version)
FAQ/Quick Move List
Version: 3.0  (10/14/02)

By Scott Miller (SMiller_)

This FAQ is copyright 2002 by Scott E. Miller except for Section 3, 
which is copyright 2002 by John "Lilac Man" Dobson, and is protected 
under all international copyright laws.  You have my permission to 
reproduce this FAQ without written consent as long as the following 
conditions are observed:

1:  All content, including this copyright notice, and notice of 
authorship, remains intact.

2:  This FAQ may NOT be used for ANY commercial purposes whatsoever.  
This includes, but is not limited to the following:

--posting it with web banners
--selling it, giving it away as a free bonus, or reprinting it in a 
commercial FOR-PROFIT publication, on any storage medium now known or 
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Users are permitted to make copies and distribute them freely, provided 
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action will be taken.

To put it bluntly:  Don't steal it and don't sell it.  S'alright?  

Dead Or Alive copyright 1996 Tecmo, Inc.  TECMO is a registered 
trademark of Tecmo, Inc.  No claims are made by the author as to the 
ownership or copyright of any Tecmo properties.

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