
               ___      ___      ___    /~~~~~~\    ___      ___      ___
              /   \    /   \    /   \  /        \  /   \    /   \    /   \
              \ * /    \ @ /    \ $ / / ! KING ! \ \ $ /    \ @ /    \ * /
              /   \    /   \    /   \ \   ~~~~   / /   \    /   \    /   \
             /     \  /     \  /     \ \        / /     \  /     \  /     \
           ./       \/       \/       \/        \/       \/       \/       \.
          |_____  ______    _____  _____           ______  __________________|
          /****/ /*****/   /****/ /*****\         /*****/ /*****************/
         /*/  / /*/   /   /*/  / /*/     \       /*/   / /*/  __________   /
        /*/  / /*/   /   /*/  / /*/       \     /*/   / /*/  /        \*\_/
       /*/  / /*/  ./   /*/  / /*/   /|   |    /*/   / /*/  /          ~~
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    /*/      ./      /*/  / /*/   / |*|   | /*/   / /*/  / /*/  ____    /
   /*/     ./       /*/  / /*/   /  |*|   |/*/   / /*/  /  \/__/ /*/   /
  /*/  /\  \.      /*/  / /*/   /   |*|   |*/   / /*/  /________/*/   /
 /*/  /\*\   \.   /*/  / /*/   /    |*|   \/   / /*/  /**********/   /
/*/  /  \*\   \. /*/  / /*/   /     \*\       / /*/   ~~~~~~~~~~~   /
\/__/    \*\___\/*/__/ /*/___/       \*\___../ /*/_________________/
          ~~    ~~     ~~             ~~       ~~
Game      : Capcom Versus SNK: Millenium Fight 2000
Character : King
Author    : CleavesF
E-mail    : christian.truong@ignmail.com
Platform  : Arcade
Version   : 0.8
Hi-lo, this is my second FAQ so bare with me; AGAIN. King is an SNK character
from the Art of Fighting series.  People tell me she's cheap, but if you really
think about it, all characters are cheap IF played cheaply. I guess that makes
sense. Remember send in any contributions to me and I'll give you credit.

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